Recent content by A1CStivender

  1. A

    What are good movies to show the features of a blu ray player?

    Transformers, Live Free Or Die Hard, Matrix Trilogy, Pirates of the Carribean trilogy, The Lord Of the Rings........Hope this helps you....
  2. A

    I need some current events on war on terror ?

    one of my close friends died not to long ago does that help?
  3. A

    question about sexuality?

    Im just know what a girl looks for in a guy no biggy. If you dont mind being bi though that could be a thing to say so drop the whole bi thing bi is gay no matter how you put it. Its a yes or no subject.
  4. A

    What celeb do I look like to you?

    Scott Mechlowitz
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    How would you explain the type of music called, "Crunk Rock"?

    Try listening to Fort Minor its the singer from linkin park its just a fast pace rock sounds good sometimes