Recent content by A+Gepro

  1. A

    bluetooth car kit BT-02A2?

    i've just bought a car kit for my mobile a (BT-02A2) i have googled everywhere trying to find instructions on how to pair it with my phone so i can ue it. ive also been on my phone and tried to use the "pair device" option on my phone can anyone tell me how to use it? or tell me where to get...
  2. A

    Girls only question!!!!!!?

    sadly unless you wanna pay mega bux then no. try a push up or gel filled bra dont b worried about the size of your boobs, they will grow when theyre ready. dont let the other bigger busted girls intimidate u. im sure ur perfect as u r.
  3. A

    I have Been Bleeding for 5 weeks please HELP!!!!!?

    dont mean this horribly... but if you feel pregnant and look pregnant how do you know your not. if you are only spotting its not a full period. i know many people who have fallen pregnant on the pill. my advice buy a pregnancy test to make sure as you will get an accurate result by now